LED strip lights are a great way to add some extra light to your home. They come in a variety of colors, and they're easy to install. But sometimes, they don't look quite right after you've cut...
Category: LED Light Strips FAQ’s
If you're like me, your pet cat is like a member of the family. So, when it comes to making sure they're comfortable and safe, you want to be sure that you're doing everything right. Recently, I...
There are a few potential reasons why your LED strip lights aren't turning off. In this article, we'll explore each of them and offer some solutions to help you get your lights working properly...
Most people get freaked out by cockroaches. And for good reason. No offense to roaches owners out there, but these pests are just plain icky. They’re also known to be carriers of disease. So it’s...
Can LED Strip Lights Go Around Corners? 5 Easy Ways To Do It
Installing LED lights can be fun and easy to do when working on a flat surface, but what about when you need to go around a corner? This can be a bit tricky as the LED strip light can actually break...
If you have a beautiful feathered friend and are wondering if LED strip lights will harm them, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll explore whether or not LEDs are harmful to birds and what...