6 Ways LED Strip Lights Have Different Colors After Cutting

Why are my LED lights different colors after I cut them?

LED strip lights are a great way to add some extra light to your home. They come in a variety of colors, and they’re easy to install.

But sometimes, they don’t look quite right after you’ve cut them to the right length. Why is that? In this article, we are going to look at 6 reasons why led strip lights would have different colors after they have been cut.

1. Low Quality LED Strip Lights

The first reason why your LED strip lights might be different colors after cutting them is because they are low-quality LED strip lights.

When you buy cheap LED strip lights, they are usually made with lower-quality materials. This means that the LEDs inside the strip lights are not as good as the ones in higher-quality LED strip lights.

As a result, the light that they emit is not as bright, and it can be a different color than what you were expecting in the first place.

It gets a lot worse when you cut those flimsy, low-quality LED strip lights. A bunch of issues tends to arise, like uneven light distribution, dimness, and different colors.

So if you want to avoid all of that, make sure to buy higher-quality LED strip lights in the first place. It will save you a lot of headaches (and money) in the long run.

2. Damaged LED Strip Lights

While decorating our cabin for the holidays, I realized a section of our LED strip lights was a duller color than the others.

I figured it was because that particular section was older and had been used more often. So I cut it off and replaced it with a new section of LED strip lights.

To my surprise, the entire strip light lit up and became brighter, but I was surprised to see they were totally different colors after I had cut and joined them.

After digging deeper into the issue, a customer rep told me my strip lights were damaged even before I cut and rejoined them that’s why they appeared to be a different color.

So, if you notice that your LED strip lights look dull or damaged in any way, it’s best to replace them entirely. Otherwise, you’ll end up with uneven light distribution and different colors like I did.

3. Power Supply

More often than not, the problem would be with the power supply and not with the LED strip lights themselves.

If you’re using a lower-quality power adapter, it might not be able to provide enough power to the LED strip lights.

As a result, the LEDs will start to dim, and they will change colors and in some cases after the strip lights have been cut.

On the other hand, if you’re using a power adapter that’s too powerful for the LED strip lights, it can also cause the LEDs to change colors.

So if you’re having problems with your LED strip lights changing colors after cutting them, make sure to check the power supply.

Use a higher-quality power adapter, and if necessary, consult an electrician to help you figure out the right power supply for your LED strip lights.

4. Dirty Or Paint In The Circuits Or Connections

Chances are your LED strip lights’ components like the solder, circuit board, and connectors got contaminated or filled with dirt, dust, or paint during the cutting process.

This is a common problem because most people don’t ensure they are using the right tools or clean their tools or surfaces they work on while installing LED strip lights.

As a result, the contaminants will end up in the circuits and connections, which can cause all sorts of problems like uneven light distribution or different colors.

To avoid this problem, make sure you’re using clean tools and surfaces while working with your LED strip lights.

You should also wear gloves to keep your hands clean. If you’re stripping the insulation off of the wires, be extra careful not to contaminate the solder or circuit board.

5. Incorrectly Soldered Joints

I always know if I have done a good job soldering if the LED strip lights work properly after I cut and rejoined them. If they don’t, then it’s a sign that my soldering joint is incorrect.

There are a few things that can cause an incorrect soldering joint. The first is using the wrong type of solder. Make sure you’re using lead-free solder because it has a lower melting point and is easier to work with.

The second is using too much or too little solder. If you use too much, it can create a bridge between two connections, which can cause a short circuit.

On the other hand, if you use too little solder, the connection will be weak and might not make good contact–causing the LED strip light to change colors.

The third is not heating the solder joint long enough. If you don’t heat it long enough, the solder won’t flow properly, and the connection will be weak.

Finally, the fourth is using a soldering iron that’s too hot or too cold. If it’s too hot, it can damage the components. If it’s too cold, the solder won’t flow properly.

To avoid these problems, make sure you’re using the right type of solder and the right amount. Also, heat the joint until the solder flows smoothly and evenly around the connection.

Use a soldering iron that’s not too hot or too cold, and if necessary, practice soldering on some scrap pieces of wire before working on the LED strip lights.

6. Poor Ventilation

One thing that stood out during my research into why LED strip lights could have different colors after they have been cut is the importance of ventilation.

If you install the cut LED strip light in a place with very little ventilation, the heat can cause the LEDs to change colors. This is because the heat causes the LED chips to degrade, which changes their color output.

To avoid this problem, make sure you install the cut LED strip lights in a well-ventilated area. If possible, use a fan to help circulate the air and keep the area cool.

Important Tips When Cutting LED Strip Lights

Now that you know the most common reasons why LED strip lights could change colors after being cut, here are a few important tips to keep in mind when cutting them:

  • Use a sharp knife or scissors to avoid crushing the LEDs.
  • Cut on a flat surface to avoid damaging the circuitry. Wear gloves and use clean tools to avoid contaminating the solder or circuit board.
  • Be sure to cut perpendicular to the circuit board for a clean, flush cut.
  • Use heat shrink tubing or electrical tape to insulate and protect the exposed LED strip lights. Check your manufacturer’s instructions for specific cutting instructions.

Final Words

These are a few of the most common reasons why your LED strip lights might change colors after you cut them.

LED strip lights are a versatile and easy way to add accent lighting to any space. With a little bit of care, you can avoid damaging them when cutting.

If you’re having this problem, make sure to check the power supply, solder joints, and ventilation.

By troubleshooting these areas, you should be able to fix the problem and get your LED strip lights working properly again.

Did this article help you? Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Let us know in the comments below!


Q: Can I cut the LED strip lights myself?

A: Yes, you can cut the LED strip lights yourself. However, it’s important to be careful and use the right tools to avoid damaging the LEDs.

Q: What type of solder should I use for the LED strip lights?

A: You should use lead-free solder because it has a lower melting point and is easier to work with.

Q: Can I use a soldering iron that’s too hot?

A: No, you should not use a soldering iron that’s too hot because it can damage the components. Instead, use a soldering iron that’s not too hot or too cold.

Q: What should I do if the LED strip lights are in a poorly ventilated area?

A: If the LED strip lights are in a poorly ventilated area, try to use a fan to help circulate the air and keep the area cool. Additionally, you can try to install the cut LED strip lights in a well-ventilated area.

Q: Can I install the LED strip lights myself?

A: Yes, you can install the LED strip lights yourself. However, it’s important to be careful and use the right tools to avoid damaging the LEDs. Additionally, make sure to follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper installation.

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