5 Bugs LED Strip Lights Attract Plus How To Deal With Them


Led strip lights attract a lot of different bugs and insects which can be really annoying. This article will show you some of the bugs or insects led strip lights could potentially attract and tips on how to get rid of them.

So what kind of bugs do led strip lights attract? Led strip lights can possibly attract;

  1. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Spiders
  2. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Wasps/Hornets
  3. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Bees
  4. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Flies
  5. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Centipides

To learn more about the different kinds of bugs that are attracted to led strip lights and how to safely get rid of these bugs or insects, please keep reading this article.

1. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Spiders

Spiders are attracted to led strip lights because it is a good spot for them to find food during the night. Spiders eat other bugs and insects that are attracted to led strip lights.

So if you have other bugs hanging out around your led strip lights, you should know that these bugs could be a food source for spiders and they are sure to join the party.

How To Get Rid Of Them:

There are many ways for you to either kill or repel spiders and insects away from your led strip lights.

One of the most effective ways to get rid of them is by placing a chemical called DEET around your led strip lights or anywhere else that.

This product is very effective and you can either spray it around the area or purchase a repellent that contains DEET as an ingredient.

Another way to get rid of spiders is by placing sticky traps near your led strip lights where they hang out most often.

A chemical-free way to get rid of spiders is by placing natural items like grapefruit peels, peppermint oil, or cinnamon around the lights.

I personally like these non-conventional methods because they are natural and do not leave any chemicals around the house.

Any bugs that you have hanging out near your led strip lights should be gone!

2. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Wasps/Hornets

Wasps and hornets are also attracted to led strip lights because they provide them with a good source of food. Wasps/hornets have the characteristic of catching other bugs and insects, especially the ones that are attracted to led strip lights.

So if you have wasps or hornets hanging out near your led strip lights, you should know that they could be catching other bugs and insects. Just like spiders, wasps and hornets eat other bugs that are attracted to led strip lights.

So if you have other bugs hanging out around your led strip lights, don’t be surprised to find wasps and hornets on them too.

How To get rid of them:

There are many ways for you to either kill wasps and hornets or repel them away from your led strip lights.

One of the most effective ways to get rid of them is also DEET. Another effective way to get rid of wasps and hornets is by spraying chemicals like permethrin which can be found in insect repellant.

If you do not want to use chemicals, you can place sticky traps around the area to catch them instead. Another chemical-free method is to use water or vinegar to kill wasps and hornets. The way this works is by placing the water or vinegar into a spray bottle and then spraying it at wasps and hornets.

3. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Bees

It is rare for bees to be attracted to led strip lights but it is possible as the lights could sometimes trigger a positive phototactic response in the bees.

Phototactic response in bees refers to the tendency of bees to orient themselves in the direction of a light source.

So if you have bees hanging out around your led strip lights, there is a chance that it could be because of the light.

How To Get Rid Of Them:

In the case of bees, you can simply turn off the lights for a little while and see if they go away.

If the bees still do not leave, then you can try spraying water onto them or using a fan to blow them away.

I will not recommend killing bees by using chemicals because bees are important for pollination. If you need to get rid of them because you’re allergic to them, simply spray water or use a fan and they should leave.

4. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Flies

Flies and other insects like moths can also be attracted to led strip lights. This is because these bugs are usually drawn towards bright lights. Their navigational systems also get confused when they get close to led strip lights.

This is because they mistake the lights for sunlight and start flying up towards them. Which means that they will eventually get caught up in the lights.

How To Get Rid Of Them:

There are many ways on how you can get rid of flies that are hanging out around your led strip lights. One of the most effective ways is to use a fly trap near these insects because they are attracted to light. Another effective way is by using tape, which will have the same effect as fly traps because flies are also drawn towards shiny objects.

If you do not want to use chemicals, then one of the most effective ways is by using a fan or air conditioning system because the airflow will make it difficult for them to fly.

5. Led Strip Lights Can Attract Centipedes

If you see centipedes around your led strip lights, it is possible they are there for the several other bugs that are present. Centipedes like spiders are attracted to led lights due to the availability of their prey.

In this case, centipedes will be looking for other bugs that are attracted to the led light. This is because they eat a lot of insects and other bugs.

How To Get Rid Of Them:

Centipede bites can be painful so it is important you get rid of them safely and effectively.

There are many ways for you to get rid of centipedes that are hanging out around your led strip lights.

One of the most effective ways to do this is by using a borax powder which can kill centipedes because it will interfere with their exoskeleton. You can also use diatomaceous earth or sodium borate which has the same effect as borax.

Another effective way is by using traps that you can create yourself or buy online. One of the most effective ways to get rid of centipedes is to use glue traps.


Q: Does led strip lights attract silverfish?

A: No, it is not likely that silverfish will be attracted to led strip lights. This is because silverfish are nocturnal and they try to stay away from lights as much as possible. Silverfish are attracted to dark places, proteins, moisture, carbohydrates, humidity, etc which is why they are often seen in bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens.

Q: Do led strip lights attract Cockroaches?

A: It is unlikely for led strip lights to attract cockroaches. This is because roaches are usually drawn towards moist and dark places which make led strip lights a poor choice for them.

Q: Does led strip lights attract bed bugs?

A: Bed bugs are not likely to be attracted to led strip lights or any other type of light because they are usually found in dark places. They like to hide in beds, clothes, bedsheets, curtains, and other dark places.

Q: Does led strip lights attract ants?

A: Ants are attracted to ultraviolet rays and led strip lights do not produce this type of light. Ants are usually drawn towards food, water, and warmth which is why they may not be attracted to led strip lights as the heat from the light will not be enough to attract them.

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